Hello everyone, Stacey here!

In my last blog, I introduced the month-long commemoration of FAHM and why it exists. I hope the Youtube video was insightful and gave everyone a glimpse of how Filipin@ Ancestors before us created such an impact on society.  Historical events and significant figures have inspired many others Today to continue such engagement on social justice through the power of our voices, art, literature, etc.  

Before I go on to this week's topic, I would like to give quick insight as to why I mention the term "Filipino" as "Filipin@" and "Filipinx". I assure you these are not typos! Recognition of pronouns and identity terms are aspects that are something to be very mindful and respectful of. Filipin@ is an identity term in acknowledgement of both Filipino and Filipina individuals - male and females equally. Filipinx is an identity term in acknowledgement of individuals who identify as Filipin@ and genderqueer. 

For this week's topic, I would like to discuss "PINAYISM". 

"Pinay" (pronounced "Pih-Nai") is a term regarding women of Filipina descent/origin. 

The suffix -ism, ends after a noun where a philosophical idea, movement, or practice is associated. 

Pinayism is the importance and recognition upon addressing a framework of political, social, and economical struggles of Pinay's. Pinayism is an evolving term from viewpoints and theories from women who have been silenced and suppressed for speaking up and taking action against gender dynamics and inequitable norms. 

I have made a video summarizing Pinayism and naming Pinay’s amongst many others who have paved a way, both in history or "HERSTORY" as well as Today. Please keep in mind that there are many other names to be acknowledged. 
